Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Mercury is the first planet in our solar system and is closest to the sun. It is the hottest planet. It is 750 degrees Fahrenheit when the sun is shining and -300 degrees when it is dark. That's a 1,050 degrees difference! Only one spacecraft landed on Mercury. It is called the Mariner 10. It took a lot of pictures. NASA runs operations to other planets like Mercury.

Want more info on other planets? Next is Venus. Coming soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hate to be the one to tell you but Mariner 10 did not land on Mercury. It passed the planet three times, as well as Venus once, to get images and other readings. It was abandoned to orbit the sun in 1975. As far as they know it is still in orbit. Don't know what to tell you about that picture; not sure what it is.
